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COVID-Safe ABCs - Our Safety Measures
As we move out of the Circuit Breaker, parents can be assured that we are adhered to the enhanced safe management measures under “COVID-Safe ABCs” guidelines for all preschools issued by EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (ECDA):
COVID-Safe Access is about restricting entry of individuals who may pose a risk of transmission to safeguard the well-being of children and staff in preschools.
COVID-Safe Behaviours is about cultivating the right norms and habits among staff, children and their parents to reduce the risk of transmission.
COVID-Safe Classrooms is about adopting classroom management strategies to minimise interaction between different classes.
In conjunction with the reopening of our School House services, all our staff and teachers have undergone a one-time swab test in May on top of the safe management measures indicated below:
COVID-Safe Access
To ensure Safe Access, we will implement the following measures to ensure that individuals who may pose a risk to transmission are not allowed access into CBSH premises:
a. Restriction of staff and children allowed in CBSH - Leave of Absence/ Stay-Home Notice
We do not allow staff and children on Quarantine Order (QO), Leave of Absence (LOA) and Stay-Home Notices (SHN) to enter the preschool.
b. Restriction of supplementary programme staff allowed in CBSH
To minimise cross transmission between centres, we will continue to suspend any programme that involves staff moving across centres for a start. This includes all enrichment programmes and we will notify parents according to government’s guidelines.
c. Restriction of visitors allowed in CBSH
CBSH will not allow visitors, who are on QO, SHN or LOA to enter our School House. Only visitors who are needed to support the running of school house (e.g. contractors) and agencies who need to perform necessary functions may enter the premises (e.g. ECDA officers). If it is necessary to have a visitor in the school house, temperature checks and travel declarations will be obtained. Visitors are required to sue SafeEntry QR code to register online and keep a safe distance from staff and children.
Parents are not allowed into CBSH premises.The main gate of CBSH will be closed always.Drop off and pick up of students will be done outside the gate. Parents entering the compound (special case where students are not able to be dropped off outside the gate) will have to have their temperature taken and contact registered online.
All parent-teacher meetings are to be carried out via teleconferences or online engagements (e.g. Zoom).For potential parents, they will not be allowed entry during operating hours. CBSH will substitute with alternatives such as video tours or photos.
d. Health checks and temperature screening
On arrival: CBSH will continue with temperature screening and health checks for all children, staff and visitors.Besides health checks for visible symptoms, CBSH will explicitly ask all children, staff and visitors the following questions during health checks:
1) Have you been having a fever?
2) Do you have a cough?
3) Do you have a sore throat?
4) Do you have a runny nose?
5) Do you have shortness of breath?
6) Do you have a loss of sense of smell?
7) Are you unwell in any way (besides the above)?
8) Are there adult household members who are unwell with fever and/ or flu like symptoms such as cough, runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath?
During health checks, CBSH will look out for general signs of children who are unwell, beyond typical COVID-19 symptoms.
CBSH will not admit children, staff and visitors who are unwell, and recommend that they promptly seek medical attention.Children/Staff with adult household members who are unwell (with fever and/ or flu-like symptoms such as cough, runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath) are encouraged to stay home, if possible.
During the day: CBSH will carry out temperature screening and health checks two times a day for both children and staff.
CBSH will direct all staff who are unwell to leave immediately and promptly seek medical attention. Children who report feeling unwell should be immediately isolated in the sick bay, and their parents/ guardians will be notified to bring them home as soon as possible.
e. Contact tracing of staff, children and visitors
CBSH will use SafeEntry to collect entry and exit information of visitors, staff and children to facilitate contact tracing. SafeEntry records will reduce the time required by MOH to identify potential close contacts of COVID-19 patients, and mitigate the risk of new waves of infection. SafeEntry is only necessary for visitors who enter the premises and does not apply to parents dropping off or picking up children, school bus drivers, etc. outside the gate
f. Travel plans and Declarations
With the evolving COVID-19 situation, CBSH will continue monitoring the travel plans of staff and children to all countries closely.Parents are advised to declare the following, if not already done:
Of any intended/ updated travel plans by staff or enrolled children to other countries (including the city(s) of travel); and
When an enrolled child is staying with a household member who is issued with a (i) Home Quarantine Order; or (ii) Stay Home Notice.
COVID-Safe Behaviour
CBSH will implement the following to ensure that staff and children adopt COVID-Safe Behaviour and norms to reduce the risk of transmission and ensure a safe environment within each class.
a. Wearing of masks
All staff are to continue to wear masks in the school. All children aged 2 years and above are to continue to wear masks in the school. Children with special needs and have difficulties wearing a mask, they may use face shields as alternatives. Mask-wearing is not recommended for very young children below the age of 2 years for safety reasons.
b. Conduct only small group activities within each class
We will split a larger class into smaller groups of no more than 10 for programmes and activities, where reasonably practicable to do so.Children will remain in their small group and not switch between groups. Within the small groups, everyone should keep their volume low.
c. Ensure safe distancing between children and staff within each class
1. Programmes/ activities
Avoid programmes and activities that involve close physical contact among children and staff. Staff will avoid close physical contact with children, e.g. hugs.
Space out seating arrangements and ensure designated seat for each child.
Arrange for children to queue 1m apart, where reasonably practicable to do so.
2. Meals
Stagger meal times with no mixing of classes.
Seat children as far apart as reasonably practicable.
Surfaces (e.g. tables, chairs) to be cleaned before the commencement of meals for the next class.
Administrative and non-teaching staff will refrain from interacting with children, as far as possible.
3. Outdoor activities
Refrain from carrying out vigorous outdoor activities that involve close contact among children and staff during this period.
Practise hand hygiene before and after outdoor activities.
Avoid using outdoor spaces which have high traffic flows/crowds.
4. Routine care
Children to queue 1m apart when going to the toilet, where reasonably practicable to do so.
Minimise contact between children of different classes/groups during routine care, where reasonably practicable to do so.
d. No sharing of equipment
We will minimise cross-sharing of equipment, materials and toys across classes. Equipment, as reasonably practicable, will be assigned individually within the class and to be wiped down and cleaned after each use.
e. Practise high levels of personal hygiene
All staff and children are to maintain good personal hygiene such as:
Covering their mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing or coughing, and to throw away the tissue immediately into a foot-pedal bin.
Washing their hands at least every 2 hours with soap, especially before eating or handling food, after toilet visits, or when hands are dirtied by respiratory secretions after coughing or sneezing. Not sharing food/ drinks, eating utensils, tooth brushes or towels with others.
Avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth.
f. Ensure high levels of environmental hygiene
CBSH will step up cleaning of the premises and ensure high levels of environmental hygiene which includes the following:
Housekeeping / Refuse Management
Disinfect frequently touched points such as handrails and door knobs with disinfectant at least twice a day.
Clean and disinfect the tables, chairs, counter tops and shelves in the classrooms, dining and activity areas with disinfectant daily.
Clean and disinfect communal toys daily.
Wipe down and clean outdoor play equipment, especially high touch items, between sessions / after each group. Carry out regular cleaning/wash down of equipment.
Clean, wash and disinfect resources and materials at least once a week.
Keep all rooms well-ventilated; open windows to allow plenty of fresh air into the indoor environment, where possible.
Ensure that cleaning equipment are disinfected properly using diluted household bleach prior to re-use.
2. Toilets and shower facilities
Disinfect frequently touched areas such as water taps, door/ towel holder/ cistern handles, seats and cover flaps, wash basins, door knobs, buttons and switches with disinfectant twice daily.
Provide adequate supply of toilet paper, paper towels and liquid soap at all times.
Toilet floors to be cleaned and disinfected twice daily.
COVID-Safe Classrooms
CBSH will implement the following measures to ensure minimal interaction/ mixing between children and staff from different classes.
a. Safe distancing between classes during drop off/ pick up times
Children are to proceed directly into preschool on arrival. We will not combine classes during arrival and departure periods. Children from different classes to use separate routes and entrances/exits, where available.
CBSH will put in place staggered drop-off and pickup times for classes to prevent the formation of queues and crowding at school. Parents/ guardians are advised not to mingle with one another at drop-off/pick-up points, and to not engage in long conversations with staff. Parents can dialogue with staff via telephone / emails.
b. Segregate children/ staff by classes during the day
Children will be kept within their own classes, there is no mixing of children from different classes. Our teachers will ensure that children do not interact with children from different classes along walkways, corridors or common spaces, where reasonably practicable to do so.
Stagger classes when going outdoors; there is no mixing between classes when preparing to go out/return from outdoors. Keep classes separate during outdoor play.
Stagger classes for use of common areas and facilities to avoid mixing between classes.
Non-teaching staff, e.g. cleaners and administrative staff will refrain from interacting with children, where reasonably practicable to do so.
c. Suspend large group activities
We will Suspend the below till further notice:
Large group and communal activities e.g. assemblies.
All celebrations for special events such as birthdays, graduation concerts, etc.
Excursions and field trips that expose children to large crowds.
d. Suspend inter-class programmes
We will also suspend extra-curricular activities and enrichment classes and inter-class programmes that involves bringing children across multiple classes into one group till further notice.
If you have any questions on the safety measures, please contact our Safe Management Officer (SMO), Ms Jasminder Kaur d/o Tejpartap Singh (Senior Teacher).